Rainforest -- School-age


Colorful Parrots

Tropical rainforest activities for students to learn about the wild and wonderful rainforest.

A tropical rainforest is a forest that gets a lot of rain. Tropical rainforests are located in the tropics, near the equator. A tropical rainforest is a very tall and dense jungle, with a hot humid climate. It gets at least 75 inches of rain and in some areas well over 100 inches of rain.

The largest tropical rainforests are in: Brazil- Amazon River Basin (South America), Zaire-Congo River Basin(Africa), and the Indonesia (islands found near the Indian Ocean).

Rainforest Location Map

Tropical rainforests are located around the equator; from the Tropic of Cancer in the north, to the Tropic of Capricorn in the south.

Palm Tree
Need: newspaper ( 2 double pieces), tape, scissors

Open and lay the 2 pieces of newspaper out flat. Take sheet 1 and begin rolling it into a tube.

When you reach the center of sheet 1, add sheet 2. Continue rolling until both are rolled into a tube.

Secure the loose ends with tape. Starting at the top of the tube, cut through all surfaces to halfway down the tube. Make 3 to 4 additional cuts.

At the top, starting from the center, gently pull up on the paper. The leaves of the tree will begin to grow


Bird Beaks Science Activity
Watch "Why Do Birds Have Beaks?" 10-minute background video. Then do your own science experiments to learn all about how birds beaks work and that different beaks are best for different kinds of food.

Miniature Tropical Garden
A container with a tight fitting lid or a 2 Liter soda bottles, stones or gravel, potting soil, plant cuttings, clear plastic bags and tape.

If using a soda bottle cut off the top part of the bottle. Make sure your container is very clean. Place charcoal or colored gravel in the bottom of the container to help with drainage. Add potting soil and plant small plant cuttings.

Use a wet paper towel to carefully water around your plants. Careful do not over water! Add any decorations to your tiny landscape and place the lid on the container. If you used a soda bottle place a clear plastic bag or clear wrap over the opening (use tape to seal the container).

How to Make a Terrarium PDF

How To Make A Terrarium In 5 Steps

Chocolate Trees

 Theobroma cacao
Theobroma cacao (cacao tree (cuh-COW) or cocoa tree)

Chocolate Trees: All About Theobroma Cacao PDF

Cocoa trees are found in the tropical rainforests of Mexico, and Central and South America. The cocoa tree produces a large pod-shaped fruit that grows directly from the trees trunk or branches. Each pod can contain up to 50 seeds. The seeds are roasted and processed to make cocoa which is then made into chocolate.

Cacao tree facts for kids

Drink of Kings

A favorite drink of the Aztec and Inca Kings was cocoa seeds and spices (such as cinnamon). The Spanish explorers took the cocoa powder back to Europe. The Spanish sweetened the cocoa powder with sugar. The Swiss added milk to the cocoa powder and created milk chocolate. The English, in the 19th century, developed solid chocolate and created the chocolate candy bar.

Making Hot Chocolate In The Classroom

Theobroma cacao (cacao tree or cocoa tree) Printable

Theobroma cacao (cacao tree or cocoa tree) Printable Information Sheet.

Recommended Books

Explore My World Rain Forests
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The Leaf Detective
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The Rainforest Grew All Around
by Susan K. Mitchell


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