Music -- Preschool & Kindergarten


Elephant Music

Music lessons and ideas for young children.


Jingle Bell Painting
Need: Jingle Bells, paint and paper

It's just like marble painting but instead of marbles use jingle bells. Place a piece of paper in a box along with paint. Then place three jingles bells into the box; before hand show the children the noise they make. Allow the children to shake the box, and paint with the bells. Contributed By: Annie O

Musical Fingers

Select a variety of music to play. Give the children large pieces of paper with spoonfuls of fingerpaint placed in the centers. Play the music and let the children fingerpaint to it. Encourage them to move their fingers and hands to the rhythms and tempos of the different kinds of music.


Create drums out of empty coffee cans with plastic lids, plastic ice cream pails, or oatmeal boxes. The children can decorate as desired with paper, paint, markers, or crayons.


Use a shoebox to create a guitar. Cut a hole in the center of the shoebox lid. Help the children stretch five rubber bands of different widths across one shoebox. The different size rubber bands will provide different pitches.


Pour small stones, beans, or rice into a plastic cup and seal with the lid.


Two paper plates can be made into a tambourine. Have children color with crayons or makers the bottom of the paper plates. Place small stones or rice between the plates. Staple the paper plates together. Shake to produce a sound.

Group Time

The Crazy Conductor
Need: percussion instruments- cymbals, sticks, tambourine

Divide children into groups according to the different instruments. Tell them that you shall be the conductor. When you shake your head, the cymbals will play, When you shake your feet the tambourines will play and so on. When you shake your whole body, then everyone plays. Allow children to take turns to be the conductor. Contributed By: June

Singing Sack
Need: colorful sack and different items

Put all items into the sack and have a child pick out item.e.g. if the child pulls out

Bus sing (wheels on the bus)
Boat (row row row the boat)
Aeroplane (flying in an aeroplane)
doll (miss polly had a dolly)
bell ( ding dong bell)
Toy fish (12345 once i caught a fish alive)
soft toy cat ( three little kittens) etc

There is a endless list of toys to suit specific themes. My children loved this activity. Contributed By: Jan Love


Jumping Seeds

Set seeds or something small on top of a drum. Then beat the drum. What happens? Why? This activity can be extended by having the children jump to the drum beat.


Show the children how to place their hands across their throat. Then have them whisper, talk, shout, and sing feeling the differences in vibration.

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