Outer Space


Plant and Stars

See Also: Solar Eclipse

Blue Moon

There is a full moon each month. However, some months there are two full moons. And, the second full moon in a month is called a Blue Moon.

Moon Phases Diagram

Moon Phases

The moon displays eight distinct phases as it moves through its lunar cycle each month.

Beginning with New Moon, they are: New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent.

Moon Phases Layered Wheel Printable

Moon Phases Layered Wheel Printable



Space Creations

Give children a large piece of white paper. Demonstrate to the children that if you trace the shape of a scissors, it will make a rocket ship. Encourage the children to trace the scissors for a rocket and use bottle caps and circular jar lids for planets and moons. Have paints available for the children to paint their very own space creation.

Galactic Mobiles
Need: 2 1/2 c. Boiling water 2 c. salt 4 c. flour , cookie cutters(stars and circles)

Add salt to water, then stir into flour. Have the children knead the dough until it is a good consistency for shaping. Let them roll the dough out and use cookie cutters to cut out star and circle shapes. Each child should have a couple of stars and a couple of circles.

Don't forget to put a hole at the top of each shape for hanging. Bake shapes in the oven at 250 degrees for 2 -3 hours, checking frequently after 2 two hours. Paint them another day.

Ziba space craft(wind whirlers)
Need: paper plates(2 per child), stapler, markers, crayons.

Give each child two paper plates. Have children decorate plates with "extraterrestrial" designs such as flashes of light, swirls, zips, and zaps. Spirals look great as spinning saucers whirl through the sky.

To construct the whirlers, each child staples two plates together either back to back or front to front. Back-to-back whirlers dip and curve while front-to-front whirlers tend to fly faster and straighter.

After some individual whirler experimentation, players might want to try additional modifications, such as cutting holes in the center or adding other paper elements, to see how they affect flight patterns.


The Planet Ziba!

A new planet has been discovered and it has been named Ziba. One of the creatures from Ziba is coming to earth, and you have been given the task of interviewing the Ziba creature.

You'll need to decide on the ten best questions to ask and write those first. Then you'll need to image what the creature might answer and write those answers next to the questions. Include a drawing of the creature. Good Luck!


Tour the Solar System

Let children be the guides on a "tour" of the solar system. Divide them into ten groups and assign each group a different planet or the sun. Have the groups create displays that highlight interesting facts and features about the heavenly bodies they chose. Direct them to prepare one-minute "tours" of their heavenly bodies. Allow time for them to prepare and provide different books from the library for research and display making.

When all groups are ready, take an imaginary journey into space. To increase interest, arrange the childrens' chairs in a rocket shape before the journey begins. As the class stops at the sun and each planet, let the appropriate group present its display and tour presentation.

Day Trip

Invite children to pretend they're going to spend a day on the moon or one of the nine planets, and to list their basic needs during their visit to that particular environment.

Other Sites

Print and Build Your Own Mars Pathfinder Spacecraft Model!

Click on the cutouts to download, print and construct the model. You will need scissors, tape and/or glue to put it together, and colored markers or pencils to finish it up.


The Spaceship Cards
ESL for kids flashcards. These cards teach space vocabulary such as planets and prepositions such as over, under, and through.

NASA All About The Planets

A NASA Solar System Coloring Book - a page for each planet and other terrestrial objects that includes facts from the University of Michigan.

Tale about The Moon -- from the Menominee Tribe.


Need to find the constellations for your area. The University of Michigan site has list of the constellations for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres . This list is furthered divided into circumpolar and seasonal constellations. Some constellations never rise nor set, and they are called circumpolar. All the rest are divided into seasonal constellations. Which constellations will be circumpolar and which seasonal depends on your latitude.

Northern Hemisphere constellations from the University of Michigan
Southern Hemisphere constellations from the University of Michigan.

Read more myths at the Hawaiian Astronomical Society.


Galazy Jars

Make Galazy Jars
Use masking tape to keep the lid on.


To make star dust: fill 3/4 of a plastic bottle with corn syrup or vegetable oil; add water and food coloring to bring the liquid to the top; add star shaped sequins or bits of foil; and use masking tape to keep the lid on. Makes a wonderful addition to your science table.

Recommended Items

Once Upon a Starry Night: A Book of Constellations by Jacqueline Mitton for children ages 5–9.

Find the Constellations by H. A. Rey is one of the best star and constellation guides for beginners.

The Darkest Dark
by Chris Hadfield, astronaut


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