Circle Shape - Preschool & Kindergarten


Shape Circle Preschool Kindergarten

Song Video




Draw A Circle
Children act out actions in the fingerplay

Draw a circle in the air.
Draw a small one, now compare.
Make one big; make one small;
Now draw a short one; now make one tall.

The Circle

A circle, a circle, (draw in the air)
Draw it round and fat. (use index finger to draw circle in the air)
A circle, a circle, (repeat action)
Draw it for a hat. (draw a circle in the air overhead)
A circle, a circle, (repeat action)
Draw it just for me. (draw in the air)
A circle, a circle, (repeat action)
Now jump and count to three: One! Two! Three!

Draw a Circle

Draw a circle, draw a circle
Made very round.
Draw a circle, draw a circle
No corners can be found.

Suzy Circle

I'm Suzy Circle.
I'm happy as can be.
I go round and round.
Can you draw me?


Circle Creature

Circle Creature

Give children a large circle for the body. Cut rectangle strips and circles of different sizes for the children to use to create a circle creature.


Draw a circle shape on paper. Give children the paper and crayons or markers. They can make the circle whatever they want.


Draw a circle on construction paper. Cut out smaller circles. Give the children the paper with the circle shape, a pile of smaller circles, and glue. What will they make? Some will glue the smaller circles around the edge of the larger circle and some will glue the smaller circles inside the larger circle.

Circle Round
Need: lids in a variety of sizes.

Invite children to draw small circles inside larger circles. Children start by tracing a large lid and then trace smaller and smaller lids inside. Encourage children to help one another find lids that fit inside other lids.

Circle Trees

Draw a tree with bare branches on a large piece of blue paper and attach fringed green construction paper below it for grass. An easy tree is to trace a child's hand and arm from the elbow up. Let the children glue circles they have punched out of construction paper with a hole punch on the branches and beneath the tree.

To make an autumn scene have the children punch out red, yellow and orange circles; to make a winter scene, white circles; to make a spring scene, pink circles; to make a summer scene green circles

Circle Collage
Need: paper circles in various sizes

Children can glue the circles onto the paper. They can overlap the circles to create designs.

Circle Lollipops
Need: circles cut from poster board, various-sized pre cut color construction paper circles, straws or craft sticks.

Give each child a circle cut from poster board. Have the children design their lollipop using various circles as decorations. These colored circles can be glued onto the poster board circle. The handle of the Circle Lollipop is a straw stapled to the poster board circle.

Displayed the Circle Lollipops on a bulletin board by arranging them in a circular pattern. With the circles point outward and the straws pointing inward.

Recommended Books

What Is Round?
by Rebecca Kai Dotlich

Dog's Colorful Day
by Emma Dodd

A book about counting and colors that is a great book for the circle shape. A story about a lot of circles making a dog very messy.

Dog starts off the day with one black spot on his ear. But it seems that wherever he goes, he runs, rolls, and trots right into colors. As he wanders around town, Dog collects spots made of red jam, blue paint, pink ice cream, and more. When he finally arrives back home, Dog has ten different colored spots. And then it's bath time for this colorful canine

Dog's Colorful Day
by Emma Dodd


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